The purpose of this would be to retain information regarding money owed / aged debt relating to the candidate. They envisage this to be a table type format which includes date, reason for money owed and amount as a list which could then also be reported on….. I guess the amount could be added as a column to the existing candidate export. The reason that money would be owed by candidate would be things like if they have been paid but the client then refused to invoice for reasons such as a inaccurate timesheet, different hours etc. Ideally there would be an additional button which could say ‘Claim Now’ which would, once ticked, add a line to payroll which deducts that amount for the pay under a code of ‘Correction’ or ‘Over Paid’. Currently all this information is being held on a separate spreadsheet which has its own security implications and the thinking is that if this was held within Evertime, then it would be more robust, easier to maintain and reported on.